Our Therapeutic Services

Let Our Trauma-Focused Therapy Program in NJ Can Help You

In this informative article, learn about how True Life Care can help with trauma focused therapy for adults in New Jersey.

CBT Therapy Center

What is Trauma-Focused Therapy for Adults?

Trauma focused therapy for adults addresses the psychological effects of trauma in adulthood. It is an approach used to help those who have experienced traumatic events.

Trauma focused therapy for adults focuses on helping individuals process and heal trauma. It is a specialized form of therapy.

What Exactly is Trauma?

Trauma refers to an overwhelming or distressing event. Trauma can have a lasting impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being.

Trauma can stem from:

understanding Trauma therapy

Different Approaches to Trauma-Focused Therapy for Adults in New Jersey at TLC

Trauma focused therapy for adults involves a combination of different approaches. These include:

These techniques aim to help individuals confront and process their traumatic memories.

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Our Services

At True Life Care, we have created a safe space where you can focus on building resilience and managing your mental health challenges in every walk of life.

We offer partial hospitalization that gives you all the benefits of residential treatment without the stay.

Our flexible mental health IOP in NJ offers you personalized mental health treatment.

Outpatient Program

Our outpatient program offers you continued therapy & medication management.

In need of a quality psychiatrist? Let our expert team help you manage medications.

How trauma therapy can help you

What are the Goals of Trauma-Informed Therapy?

The goals of trauma focused therapy for adults can vary. They depend on the individual’s needs and specific circumstances.

Here are some common goals that are often targeted in this type of therapy:

It’s important to note that the specific goals of therapy may vary for each individual. They are established between the client and therapist. Goals are tailored to each individual.

Potential Drawbacks to Utilizing Trauma-Focused Therapies

There are potential drawbacks to consider with trauma focused therapy for adults. At True Life Care, we have qualified professionals who can reduce complications. 

Here are some potential drawbacks or risks:

  • Emotional distress
  • Flashbacks or retraumatization
  • Lack of readiness
  • Limited availability of trained therapists
  • Cultural considerations
  • Integration of traumatic memories.

It’s crucial for individuals considering trauma-focused therapy to discuss these potential risks. The benefits of trauma-focused therapy often outweigh the potential risks and drawbacks. 

Individualized assessment and ongoing collaboration are key to navigating the process.

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what to expect from Trauma Therapy in NJ

How Does Trauma-Informed Therapy Approaches Differ From Other Therapies?

Trauma focused therapy for adults differs from other forms of therapy. There are several key distinctions.

Focus on Trauma

Trauma focused therapy for adults addresses the psychological effects of trauma. This helps individuals heal from their traumatic experiences.

Other forms of therapy may have a broader focus. They may address various mental health concerns or life issues.

Trauma-Specific Techniques

Trauma focused therapy for adults utilizes specialized techniques and interventions. At True Life Care, we use these to address trauma-related symptoms and difficulties.

These may include trauma processing techniques as well as cognitive restructuring.

Safety & Stabilization

Trauma focused therapy for adults emphasizes a therapeutic environment. The therapist works with the individual to establish trust and emotional safety.

This creates a safe space to delve into traumatic memories. Safety-focused strategies help manage distress and provide a supportive space for healing.

We Understand the Impact of Trauma

Trauma focused therapy for adults incorporates an understanding of trauma. This means knowing how it affects individuals on all levels.

This includes physical, emotional, cognitive, and social levels. It recognizes that trauma can lead to various symptoms.

Rooted in Trauma-Informed Approaches

Trauma focused therapy adopts a trauma-informed approach. This means that therapists are sensitive to the unique needs and experiences of trauma survivors.

Learn to leave trauma in the past and thrive.
What does Trauma Look Like?

Understanding the Different Types of Trauma Therapies for Adults

Trauma focused therapy for adults can address a wide range of traumatic experiences. It’s important to note that trauma focused therapy for adults can be tailored to address specific traumas.

The therapist will work with the individual to explore their unique experiences. Then, they will develop strategies to address the impact of trauma on their lives.

Here are some common types of trauma that may be addressed in trauma focused therapy for adults:

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse includes experiences of physical violence or assault. It can also be any type of physical harm inflicted by another individual.

Sexual Abuse

Trauma focused therapy for adults can help individuals who have experienced sexual abuse. This can include any form of non-consensual sexual activity.


Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse can have long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being. This kind of abuse involves experiences such as the following:

  • Verbal attacks
  • Humiliation
  • Manipulation
  • Constant belittlement
Domestic Violence

Trauma focused therapy for adults can be beneficial for individuals who have seen or experienced violence. This includes individuals who have experienced violence within their intimate relationships or families.

Natural Disasters

Therapy can help individuals who have been through traumatic events. This includes events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, or other natural disasters.

Combat Trauma

Trauma focused therapy for adults is often used to assist military veterans or active-duty service members. These are individuals who have experienced traumatic events during combat or military service.

Accidents & Injuries

Therapy can address trauma from severe accidents. This includes accidents such as car crashes, industrial accidents, or serious injuries.

Childhood Trauma

Trauma focused therapy for adults can help individuals who have experienced childhood trauma. This includes neglect, abandonment, physical or sexual abuse, or witnessing violence.

How Can Trauma-Informed Therapy Help You Recover from Traumatic Experiences

Recovery from trauma takes time and patience. Therapy can play a crucial role in helping individuals recover from traumatic experiences.4

It’s important to note that therapy is a gradual process. The pace and approach may vary based on individual needs. Therapy can be a valuable resource in supporting individuals on their healing journey.

Here are some ways therapy can assist in the recovery process:

Creating a Safe & Supportive Environment

Therapy provides a safe space where individuals can have open discussions. This includes discussing their experiences, emotions, and concerns without fear of judgment.

The therapist establishes a supportive and empathetic relationship. This helps individuals feel heard, understood, and validated.

Processing and Integrating Traumatic Memories

Therapy helps individuals process and make sense of their traumatic experiences. 

Through various techniques, individuals can confront and work through traumatic memories. This helps process the emotions associated with the memories as well.

This process allows for the integration of the traumatic experience into one’s life story. It does so in a way that reduces the distressing impact of the trauma.

Therapy equips individuals with coping strategies and skills to manage trauma-related symptoms. These may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nightmares
  • Flashbacks
  • Hypervigilance
  • Difficulties with sleep

At True Life Care, a therapist can teach skills to reduce distress and enhance well-being.

Challenging Negative Beliefs and Thoughts

Traumatic experiences can lead to distorted beliefs and negative self-perceptions. Therapy helps individuals identify and challenge these negative thoughts.

Individuals are then able to replace negative thoughts with more accurate and adaptive beliefs. This process can improve self-esteem and mental health.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Therapy assists individuals in developing healthy and adaptive coping mechanisms. These work to manage distress and regulate emotions.

Healthy coping mechanisms may involve developing the following: 

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Emotion regulation techniques
  • Assertiveness training
  • Self-care practices

These coping strategies can enhance resilience and reduce the impact of trauma on daily functioning.

Restoring a Sense of Control and Empowerment

Trauma can leave individuals feeling helpless and out of control. Therapy focuses on restoring a healthy mindset.  This helps empower individuals to regain control over their lives.

The following are strong tools for reviving a sense of empowerment: 

  • Identify and create positive changes
  • Set goals
  • Make decisions that align with values and desires
Rebuilding Trust and Improving Relationships

Traumatic experiences can strain relationships and trust in others. Therapy offers a space to explore and work through difficulties in relationships. 

This can help patients to develop healthier communication patterns, and rebuild trust.

Trauma focused therapy for adults can also guide in setting boundaries. This helps establish healthier connections with others.

How to Know if Trauma Therapy is Working?

How is Progress Measured Throughout the Trauma-Focused Therapy Process?

There are  various ways to measure progress in trauma focused therapy for adults. These methods track individual improvement and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

It’s important to note that progress in trauma-focused therapy is not always linear. Individuals may experience ups and downs along the way. Progress is best evaluated by considering multiple factors.

Symptom Reduction

The therapist may use standardized assessments or self-report measures. These are to track changes in trauma-related symptoms. 

These kinds of assessments occur at regular intervals to oversee the reduction in symptom severity over time.

Functional Improvement

Engagement in daily activities is a way to check progress. This includes the ability to maintain relationships and thrive in work or school.

The therapist may track the individual’s reactions to trauma-related triggers. They will also watch the level of distress experienced in response to these triggers.

Progress is indicated by a reduction in the intensity and frequency of distressing reactions. It is also measured in an improvement in the individual’s ability to manage triggers.

Changes in Coping Skills

The therapist can assess the individual’s utilization of coping strategies and skills.

A mark of progress is when an individual demonstrates an increased ability to use coping mechanisms in daily life.

Progress is indicated by a reduction in the intensity and frequency of distressing reactions. It is also measured in an improvement in the individual’s ability to manage triggers.

Self-Reflection and Insight

Positive changes in self-reflection and insight indicate progress in therapy. Progress can also be measured by the following:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Understanding of trauma-related reactions
  • Ability to make connections between past experiences and current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
Client Feedback and Self-Report

Regular feedback from the individual about their perceived progress is crucial. This can be obtained through various methods that assess the individual’s therapy experience.


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Are you ready to break free from the grip of trauma and rediscover your inner strength? True Life Care is here to guide you on a path of healing and empowerment.

You do not have to face your trauma alone. Our team of professionals is equipped to guide you. With True Life Care, you can heal from your trauma and find courage and strength.

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What does treatment entail?

What Types of Therapy Techniques are Utilized in Trauma-Focused Therapy ?

Trauma-focused therapy incorporates various techniques and approaches. These work to address the psychological effects of trauma.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a common approach in trauma-focused therapy. It helps individuals identify and modify unhelpful thoughts related to the trauma. 

Through cognitive restructuring, individuals challenge and replace negative thoughts with healthy ones.

Behavioral techniques may also be employed to address avoidance behaviors. They expose individuals to trauma-related triggers in a safe and controlled manner.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a therapeutic technique designed to help individuals process traumatic memories. This reduces trauma associated distress.

EMDR involves bilateral stimulation of the brain while focusing on the traumatic memory. This stimulation can come in the form of eye movements, hand taps, or auditory tones.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)

PE is an evidence-based treatment for trauma-related disorders. It involves exposing individuals to trauma-related memories that they have been avoiding. 

Through repeated exposure, individuals learn to confront and process their fears. This allows for a reduction in avoidance and distress.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy focuses on the individual’s personal story. This includes how it relates to their traumatic experiences. 

It helps individuals to do the following:

  • Construct a coherent narrative of trauma
  • Discover and explore a given meaning behind trauma
  • Integrate trauma in a way that promotes healing and resilience
Mindfulness-Based Interventions

Mindfulness techniques include those such as meditation, breathing exercises, and body scans. These are often incorporated into trauma-focused therapy. 

These practices help individuals to do the following:

  • Develop present-moment awareness
  • Enhance emotional regulation
  • Cultivate self-compassion

Mindfulness can also assist in managing trauma-related symptoms and reducing distress.

Expressive Therapies

There are different forms of expressive therapies in trauma focused therapy for adults. Art therapy, music therapy, and other forms of expressive therapies can be incorporated.

These creative modalities provide alternative means of expression. With trauma, verbal communication may be challenging.

Expressive therapies can help the processing and release of emotions. This helps to promote self-expression and offer a sense of empowerment and control.


Psychoeducation involves providing individuals with information about trauma. This includes its effects on the brain and body. 

In psychoeducation, common trauma-related symptoms are discussed, and so are available treatment options.

Begin Your Journey

Reach Out to Our Trauma-Focused Therapy Center in NJ

Our team of dedicated and compassionate therapists understands the impact trauma can have. We are committed to providing you with a safe and supportive environment. 

At True Life Care, we believe in the power of therapy to help you overcome trauma based challenges. 

Don’t let the weight of your past hold you back. With True Life Care, you’ll find an ally to help you navigate your traumatic experiences. Contact us today to learn more about trauma focused therapy for adults in New Jersey.